
Author Source Vulnerability Type Date Export
automation MISP/58d3f093-d6f4-44d1-93ac-3449950d210f CVE-2012-1856 seen 2017-03-23 16:13:41 +0000
automation MISP/57153590-f73c-49fa-be4b-4737950d210f CVE-2012-1856 seen 2016-04-18 19:30:24 +0000
automation MISP/56b86d69-3b0c-465d-8eb3-0e57bce2ab96 CVE-2012-1856 seen 2016-02-08 10:35:40 +0000
automation MISP/55dc2f59-7238-468a-8956-575e950d210b CVE-2012-1856 seen 2015-08-25 09:05:05 +0000
displaying 11 - 14 sightings in total 14

If a line is highlighted in yellow, it indicates that the vulnerability advisory has not yet been published.