Max CVSS 5.0 Min CVSS 4.3 Total Count2
IDCVSSSummaryLast (major) updatePublished
CVE-2007-3170 4.3
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Uebimiau Webmail allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via (1) the PATH_INFO to redirect.php or (2) the selected_theme parameter to demo/pop3/error.php.
29-07-2017 - 01:32 11-06-2007 - 22:30
CVE-2007-3172 5.0
Directory traversal vulnerability in demo/pop3/error.php in Uebimiau Webmail allows remote attackers to determine the existence of arbitrary directories via an absolute pathname and .. (dot dot) in the selected_theme parameter.
29-07-2017 - 01:32 11-06-2007 - 22:30
CVE-2007-3171 5.0
Uebimiau Webmail allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via a request to demo/pop3/error.php with an invalid value of the (1) smarty or (2) selected_theme parameter, which reveals the path in various error messages.
29-07-2017 - 01:32 11-06-2007 - 22:30
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