Max CVSS 10.0 Min CVSS 9.3 Total Count2
IDCVSSSummaryLast (major) updatePublished
CVE-2015-1537 9.3
Integer overflow in IHDCP.cpp in the media_server component in Android allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted application.
06-10-2017 - 16:50 28-09-2017 - 01:29
CVE-2015-3834 10.0
Multiple integer overflows in the BnHDCP::onTransact function in media/libmedia/IHDCP.cpp in libstagefright in Android before 5.1.1 LMY48I allow attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted application that uses HDCP encryption, leading to a hea
01-10-2015 - 16:42 01-10-2015 - 00:59
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