Max CVSS 7.5 Min CVSS 4.3 Total Count2
IDCVSSSummaryLast (major) updatePublished
CVE-2006-0470 4.3
Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in search.php in MyBulletinBoard (MyBB) 1.02 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) sortby and (2) sortordr parameters, which are not properly handled in a redirection.
20-07-2017 - 01:29 31-01-2006 - 11:03
CVE-2006-0523 7.5
SQL injection vulnerability in global.php in MyBB before 1.03 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the templatelist variable.
20-07-2017 - 01:29 02-02-2006 - 11:02
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