Max CVSS 10.0 Min CVSS 7.2 Total Count2
IDCVSSSummaryLast (major) updatePublished
CVE-2008-3464 7.2
afd.sys in the Ancillary Function Driver (AFD) component in Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2 does not properly validate input sent from user mode to the kernel, which allows local users to gain privileges via a cra
12-10-2018 - 21:48 15-10-2008 - 00:12
CVE-2008-3479 10.0
Heap-based buffer overflow in the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) service (mqsvc.exe) in Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 allows remote attackers to read memory contents and execute arbitrary code via a crafted RPC call, related to improper processing of
12-10-2018 - 21:48 15-10-2008 - 00:12
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